The substances listed in the resolution in Appendix 1 Table A No. A-3 (CFCs) and Table B No. B-7 (polychlorinated naphtalins) / No. B-9 (alkanes C10-C13) are chemicals for which there are trade restrictions according to Regulation (EC) No. 850/2004 due to their hazardousness. These substances are not used in products of VETEC Ventiltechnik GmbH.
The substances from Table A No. A-1 (asbestos), No. A-2 (PCBs), No. A-4 (antifouling systems) and No. B-8 (radioactive substances) are not contained in our products.
The substances listed in Table B No. B-1 to No. B-6 are identical with those of RoHS II (Directive 2011/65/EU). While RoHS II requires compliance with the threshold values, IMO Resolution 269(68) only requires exact quantity and position information when the threshold value is exceeded.
Based on the above considerations, we can deduce that our products comply with IMO Resolution 269(68).
Out of responsibility towards our environment, VETEC Ventiltechnik GmbH strives to implement the substance restrictions of the above mentioned directive at the earliest possible time. For this reason, VETEC Ventiltechnik GmbH has been working intensively for some time on the identification and conversion of such environmentally hazardous substances.
However, if you, for your part, should nevertheless require freedom from hazardous substances in accordance with the above-mentioned directive at short notice, the cost of early compliance and the resulting additional costs and deadlines must be determined.